Minutes of the Eleventh Annual General Meeting held on 14 May 2011 at Church House, Waterfall Road, N14
Among those present were the Chair, Secretary and some 20 members and guests.
Welcome and Executive Report
The Chair opened the Eleventh AGM of the Association by welcoming members and guests.
Minutes of AGM 2010
Adoption of the minutes was proposed by Penny Berkut, seconded by Eric Pelling and agreed nem con.
Treasurer’s report
The Chair presented the accounts in the treasurer’s absence. He pointed out that the Association had a balance in its account of approximately £6000. During the year, the Association had paid for three trees to be supplied and planted by the council, to replace some of the horsechestnuts which had had to be removed because of disease. Works on The Green referred to maintenance of the roundabout, which would be discussed later in the meeting. The cost of food and drink at events had increased, but this was balanced by increased income from ticket sales and raffles.
The Secretary read out a report which had been provided by the Treasurer.
A member enquired why such a large amount was kept in the current account earning no interest. It was pointed out that the majority of accounts pay next to no interest at present. Another member questioned the amount expended on bank charges. The Chair would ask the Treasurer to look into the possibility of an alternative account which would not incur charges.
Adoption of the accounts was proposed by Ian Cameron Black, seconded by Jim Farbon and agreed nem con.
Election of Committee and Officers 2011/12
The Chair encouraged members to consider joining the committee, as new members were always welcome. Penny Berkut offered herself for the committee and was elected nem con. The existing committee members and officers were re-elected nem con.
Association Development Issues
The Chair reported that during the year the Association had organised and participated in several events, including the May Fair, the Big Lunch and Groundforce Day.
At the May Fair the committee had enlisted support for a proposed project to refurbish Minchenden Oak Garden, to make it more accessible and attractive without destroying its present character. The anticipated cost of the works would be in the order of £20,000.
LBE had set aside funds for amenity projects within the borough, of which £78,000 was specifically for Southgate Green ward. The Chair proposed that the Association work on putting together a bid for funds and sought the approval of the meeting. This received unanimous agreement and those present agreed that their names be added to the list of supporters of the project.
The Chair suggested out that it would be both necessary and desirable to involve other community groups in the project.
A member pointed out that it would be important to ensure that there were funds to maintain the project once the garden was refurbished.
Another member suggested that as part of the Big Lunch on June 5th participants should be given the opportunity to take a tour of the garden with a committee member and that the plans for the refurbishment be on display.
The Chair requested that members who planned to participate in the Big Lunch should bring along a friend, in order that the event might grow.
He commented that it had been a surprise for the committee to observe that the roundabout was being offered as advertising space, as the Association had maintained it for the past 7 years and had spent £900+ on it. A member suggested that Brunswick Garage was probably unaware of this and that a letter might possibly evoke a favourable response.
The Chair invited members’ support for Groundforce Day which would take place in September as usual. The date would be announced in due course.
Members Question Time
One member asked about the situation with the new street lights. Denise Gandhi reported that the number of lights had been reduced from those in the original proposal. SGA had offered to pay the difference between ordinary and heritage style lanterns on footpaths, but LBE had not accepted this offer. LBE had agreed to re-consult on an amended lighting scheme for The Green but had subsequently put in lighting without any consultation.
There was a discussion relating to parking problems around The Green. There had been an increase in the incidence of commercial vehicles parking overnight at the top of Arnos Grove, but local bye-laws were not stringent enough to prevent this. One member suggested that parking on the High Street should be less restrictive in order to alleviate parking around The Green. It was generally agreed that a 1-hour restriction between, say, 11am and 12noon would restrict commuter parking and facilitate parking of local residents and shoppers.
A member commented on the unsightly new railings which had been erected by the new zebra crossing. Denise Gandhi pointed out that no other crossings in the Conservation Area had railings and that they were unnecessary in this location. She had requested their removal or, if that were not deemed possible, then they should be replaced by railings matching existing railings in both style and colour.
The proposed new cycle path through Southgate would involve removal of the small roundabout at the junction of Meadway and the High Street which would destroy the character of that area. This could be avoided if the path were re-routed through Leigh Hunt Drive.
Denise Gandhi pointed out that members should not assume that the committee was aware of changes being made in the area and requested that members notify a member of the committee if they see works taking place.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.10pm.