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Pinkham Way Update 15 June 2015
Details on the Pinkham Way site.
by Gary Pillans
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Pinkham Way Update 15 June 2015
Details on the Pinkham Way site.
by admin
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The application for a telephone mast on Cannon Hill has been withdrawn. Many thanks to members who sent in their comments.
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An application has been made for the installation of a telephone mast and four ancillary cabinets on the verge opposite the junction of Cannon Hill and Selborne Road, outside the Southgate Beaumont. Jan 2015
The mast will be 15 metres tall (3 metres higher than the street lights on Cannon Hill, and bulkier). The cabinets will be approx. 1.6 metres tall.
SGA will object to this proposed development on the following grounds:
It is an inappropriate development for a Conservation Area
The proposed site is outside a listed building
The four ancillary cabinets are bulky and would be very dominant in the streetscene
There will be loss of soft landscaping due to the size of the cabinets
Plans for this application can be seen online at The application number is 14/04224/FUL.
You can see a copy of the SGA’s letter of objection here. Please give us your support by sending your own comments.
Members wishing to comment can do so by emailing
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In Southgate Green Conservation Area, the past year has seen more than 40 tonnes of trees and greenery removed, excluding works to the Minchenden Oak. Much of these works took place on privately owned lands but current legislation allows removal of trees without any replacement conditions and this means that the visual amenity of this area is under threat.
SGA is studying how CAVAT- a system of valuing the amenity value for trees can help us inform members about tree issues to preserve and protect the greenscape.
Capital Asset Value for Amenity Trees (CAVAT) – Capital Asset Value for Amenity Trees (CAVAT) was written by Chris Neilan for the London tree officer’s association. CAVAT provides a method for managing trees as public assets rather than liabilities. It is designed not only to be a strategic tool and aid to decision-making in relation to the tree stock as a whole, but also to be applicable to individual cases, where the value of a single tree needs to be expressed in monetary terms.
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Ellington Court- High Street 14/03290/VAR. Ellington Court has an application for a 4th floor extension to the current building. They are seeking to change the windows facing the High street and Fontaine Court to clear glazing – on all windows to habitable rooms on E and N facades. They are also seeking to change the windows and substitute new drawings.
65-75 High Street P14 P14-02243PLA | Alterations during the course of construction to planning consent ref.: TP/09/1624 dated 21/08/2011, for the following: 1. Reconfiguration of retail units so as to provide 2no A1/A2/B1 units. 2. Formation new entrance and new staircase to serve upper level flats from the High Street. 3. Removal of rear external staircases. 4. Reconfiguration of parking bays. 5. Increase height of amenity deck area. 6. Alterations to shop fronts. 7. Alterations to rear elevation at ground floor level. | 65-75, High Street, London, N14 6LD
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Thursday 6th February to 12.00pm on Thursday 20th March 2014
Following the public hearing session held on the 10th December 2013 the Council submitted to the Inspector a Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications for his consideration.
The Proposed Main Modifications have been prepared in the light of the Inspector’s queries, public representations made about the Plan and discussions at the public hearing session.
A further part of the examination is consultation on the Council’s Proposed Main Modifications to the Plan. The consultation period will run for six weeks from Thursday 6th February to 12.00pm Thursday 20th March 2014.
Making your Representation
Representations are invited on the Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications and further background information about the Plan and the examination process can be viewed on the Council’s website at:
Please ensure your representations are submitted by 12.00pm Thursday 20th March 2014. Any representations received after this deadline unfortunately cannot be accepted.
Representations should be made in writing, and can be emailed to
or sent to:
Planning Policy Team
Regeneration Leisure and Culture
Enfield Council
Civic Centre
Silver Street
The Inspector will consider the Proposed Main Modifications and any comments received in relation to them before the examination ends. He will then complete his report of the examination which will be sent to the Council and then made publically available.
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We have been advised that Enfield Council will be holding a consultation meeting on proposals for a school on the land adjacent to Grovelands Park. The meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th September at the Southgate Methodist Church, Bourne Hill at 7.00 pm.
The Council are planning to ‘invest in’ and ‘redevelop’ the ancient park. The intention is to conduct an historic parks survey and develop a management plan – both of which are standard good practice in parks management – but also to explore the options for introducing a new two form entry primary school and improve sports facilities. The intention is also to ‘open up’ the park, including lands owned by Thames Water.